I’m writing to you today to ask you to contribute to my campaign for election to Calgary City Council as Councillor for Ward 3.

I have the passion “ TO SERVE “ and “CREATE CHANGE”

During the last four years, City Council has attempted to work for the citizens of Calgary. However, in my door-knocking experiences to date, the Voters of Calgary Ward 3 have expressed their concerns as to the lack of meaningful representation and to a list of Community Concerns.

The Voters in Ward 3 are concerned with Community infrastructure, roads, transit and the loss of the extension of the LRT Green Line.

As your future Councillor, I want to work with City Administration and provide the best of service in a fiscally responsible manner to better the lives of the residents of Ward 3. With so many families, a priority will be safe and secure neighbourhoods as well as the opportunity to participate in social and athletic opportunities at school and within the communities of Ward 3.
While I am working to serve the public as your representative with a focus on creating change, I need your financial donation to run an organized and effective campaign. 

Please contribute whatever you can to afford to my campaign for election as your Councillor in Ward 3.

I need your support to deliver the message for change, investing in people and working to improve the quality of life in Ward 3. To contribute:
– You must be a resident of Alberta.
– Donations must come from Individuals, not unions or Corporations.
– $5000.00 is the maximum allowable contribution.
– Financial donations for Municipal Campaign are NOT eligible for a tax receipt.

Enclosed you will find an order form by which you can make your donation to the campaign. Alternatively, you can go to the Kumar Sharma website at and go directly to the Donation page to complete an e-transfer directly to the campaign.

Your support at this time can make all the difference between victory and defeat—we are so close and with your help, we can reach our goal.

To those who believe enough to support my intentions as Councillor, to support me financially with a monetary donation with an “X” beside my name on the ballot you have my gratitude. Please know that your support is graciously and deeply appreciated. 

Thank you once again for your continued support and friendship.

Kumar Sharma
Candidate for City Council
Ward 3

How to do a contactless donation drive using a QR code

  • Open the camera app of your phone. If it doesn’t have a built-in QR code reader, download a third-party application.
  • Point the camera on the QR code. It will immediately identify the image no matter how near or far you are in just a second.
  • You will be then directed to the donation page for you to set the amount and confirm the transaction.

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